Is your hotel property a safe space?


According to recent reports, the hotel industry has seen a rise in incidents such as stealing, robbing guests, as well as assaults and robberies both inside and outside of the building.

As a hotel/property owner, security should be a top priority to work in conjunction with your hospitality services. Previous as well as new customers will be hesitant to stay overnight if any sort of threat is possible, regardless of how nice the accommodations are advertised to be.

Here are some valuable points regarding the importance of proper hotel security:

1. Providing safety in low populated areas.

From stairwells, to storage rooms, to dark alleys adjacent to the property, there are many locations where crime may occur. Many properties feature camera security, which may help 'after' an incident...but why not provide a visible deterrence as well, in the form of parking lot patrols, or on-site security?

2. Protection of staff and guests.

A security presence can not only deter criminal elements from feeling confident in an environment, but they can also respond to incidents before the arrival of law enforcement. Timely response can help deter stealing, abduction, and assaults.

3. Parking lot security.

The first area a guest sees, is your parking lot. It is also the final thing they see as they are exiting. What sort of impression is it currently presenting? A security guard, or a security guard patrol helps provide an actual layer of safety as well as increasing a guest's feeling of confidence in a new environment.

4. Helping make your hotel more secure.

In addition to monitoring your property, security staff are trained to be aware of weak entry points, security measures that can be improved, as well as other suggestions that help to make your property more safe.

5. Dealing with unruly guests or unwanted loiterers.

Sometimes guests can become a problem. Whether due to inebriation, domestic issues, or other causes, there are times when a patrol car or a security guard presence can de-escalate a situation by their mere presence. Loiterers can also be a problem, and a uniformed guard or patrol car can, likewise, be an effective deterrent.

For more information about how Maxxguard can help provide a layer of security for your property, call us at (731) 427-7222 and let's talk about your needs and how they can be helped by our services.


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